Kennel Management— Cost: $100.00
Notice: Until further notice all users who sign up for the Kennel Management course are entitled to an extra online course, articles, and phone support. This includes Whiz Kids ( a course in development - a $100 value), unlimited access to 25 various articles on a wide variety of dog-related subjects, and phone support for specific questions, directly with the author, Tam Cordingley.
Course Description: Learn what every owner and kennel operator must know in order to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the animals.
Kennel Management includes the following installments:
- Breed Profiles in a Boarding Situation - Different breeds kennel differently. Terriers and herding breeds tend to be barkers. Labradors and hounds are generally
- Control of Noise In The Kennel - Noise control in a kennel is more than just keeping the neighbors happy
- Economics of the Boarding Kennel - Each kennel is highly individual. Therefore what may work for one kennel won't begin to work for another.
- Fencing and Flooring - Most commercial kennels are constructed of chain link and concrete. Some are constructed of alternate materials
- Getting Started - Often getting started in the kennel business is the hardest part
- Introduction to Kennel Management - For our purposes a kennel may consist of one dog or of 100. The basics are the same
- Manure Management - Manure management is a very important part of running a kennel well.
- Overflow boarding and general hints on routine - There are kennels who do a great deal of cage boarding, some do almost exclusively
- Responsibilities of Kennel Management - The first and foremost responsibility of the kennel manager is to keep the animals in his care safe
- Specialty Boarding - Specialty boarding includes the young, the old, the invalid, and difficult to handle as well as dogs with
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